Presentation Software
Learning Goal:
Students will be able to use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a variety of business documents
Students will be able to use Google Slides to design engaging presentations
Students will understand new presentation methods and design basics
Steve Jobs was a great presenter. Many of his presentations included only images. He illustrates a new method in presentation design that we'll cover in class. We'll look at this presentation that talks about why you stink at presentations. The key takeaways are to have more slides, less info per slide, and more high-quality images. We'll also look at some good media sources from this link.
We'll also talk about C.R.A.P. (contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity) Design and look at the resources on this page.
Your Job
Find examples of C.R.A.P. around the web. It could be an image, video, website, or something else that demonstrates C.R.A.P. design. Try searching for 'contrast design examples' or 'repetition design examples'. Find one or more examples of each (eg. contrast) and add it to this collaborative page. Be ready to share.
PowerPoint Tutorials
Often misused, Microsoft PowerPoint has been the go-to presentation software for business and personal use for decades. Many organizations will expect that you know how to use PowerPoint as an entry level skill.
We will be using the following site as a resource for learning basic features in Word.
Your Job
Use the GFCLearnFree site linked above to learn about basic PowerPoint tools and options. Choose at least five lessons that are new to you or skills you need to practice (no more than three per category).
In one presentation, demonstrate skills from lessons you chose. Use Microsoft PowerPoint to complete these tutorials. Make sure to label which lessons you are covering. Add your presentation demonstrating what you learned to this collaborative page. We will look at some examples from last year.
Presentation software, when used correctly, can be a powerful design tool. Presentations let us combine multimedia elements, but they can be used for creating multimedia as well.
Have you ever create a basic animation or flipbook? Basically, you draw your picture on one page, go to the next page and move it slightly, and continue the pattern. This same thing can be done with presentations. In class, I'll show you how to use Google Slides and drawing tools to make your own flipbook.
We'll cover the following items together:
Basic movement
Duplicating slides
Layer order
Pasting drawings
Working outside the canvas
Advanced color options
The Challenge - Presentation Flipbooks 15 Pts
Use Google Slides to create a flipbook with at least 30 slides (minimum grade). Make sure to use color and have some kind of setting. Everything needs to be created inside Google Slides (for example, no outside images/graphics). Send me your completed flipbook on Classroom. Show me for credit when you are finished.
Google Slides Sales Presentation
Google Slides is a capable presentation application with nice collaboration features. We will explore some tools and options together in class (creating themes and color tools).
The Challenge - Sales Presentation
Expand your restaurant's brand and market with this rubric.
Google Slides Design & Desktop Publishing
As mentioned above, presentation software can be used for design and when needed, desktop publishing. In class, we will look at the following links to help improve the design of our slides.
The first thing we need to do is set up our slide for a full page design, here is an example. We'll use this link to talk about the slide master, image masks, quick duplicates, and custom color. This link covers drop shadows and publishing your slides/designs to the web. Finally, this link shows how to use transparency to your advantage.
The Challenge - Google Slides Desktop Publishing
Use this rubric to create signs for your employees and customers. Here are a few examples to get you started.
Band Presentation
Raise Your Goblet of Rock!! Use the skills you've learned so far (presentation design, Gimp, Audacity) to create a presentation about your favorite band or musician.
The Challenge - Band Presentation
Create your band presentation using this rubric.