Learning Goal

- Students will be able to take creative black and white photos

Find and critique a B&W photo that inspires you (two sentences or more). Upload your image and critique to this collaborative page. Be ready to share.

When shooting black and white (B&W) photographs, try to imagine the scene as B&W. Think about the tones, shapes, patterns, contrast, and textures. You are only working with varying shades of gray.

Check out these links for a number of good B&W examples. In class, we will discuss the guidelines on the following sites.

SHOOT IN COLOR! Remember there are many ways to convert an image to B&W. In class, we'll look at a very basic method using Pixlr. There are also resources on converting images to B&W on the GIMP/Photoshop Elements/Photoshop page. Feel free to use other apps to convert to black and white.

The Challenge - Black & White Photography 25 Pts

black and white photo

Use the techniques we discussed to strip the world of color. Think about other concepts we've covered so far (leading lines, different angles, rule of thirds, etc.).

    • Take at least 20 new/original black & white pictures (shot both on school grounds and away from school)
    • Transfer the pictures to your computer or Google Drive
    • Choose your best three photos to edit and turn in
    • Use and turn in the Self Assessment Rubric & Critique to self evaluate and reflect on your photos
    • When you are finished, meet with me to discuss your project and get feedback
    • Add one of your best shots to this collaborative page. Comment on one other person's picture. ADD B&W BEFORE AND AFTER??