Learning Goal
- Students will be able to capture letter art that can be used for a variety of projects
- Students will understand that photography is a fun lifelong hobby
Letter art involves capturing letters from around your world. These can be actual letters (eg. a sign), large clothing letters, created letters (eg. using crayons or pencils), or letters found in nature/architecture. Here are links to a few examples. For more examples do a search for "alphabet photography" or "letter art photography".
In class, we'll look at this video on how to take your letter shots. After you've collected your letters, they can be used for a number of different projects.
- Crop in close to focus on just the letter
- You may have to edit and crop
- Find big enough letters
- Avoid posters (if possible)
- Hold your camera in portrait mode
- Stick with the same 'style'
- Convert to B&W (optional)
The Challenge - Photo Letter Art 15 Pts
Use the strategies we covered in class to capture your own photo alphabet, all 26 letters (shot both on school grounds and away from school). Your letters should be mostly ones you’ve found (signs/nature/architecture). You can create a few letters as a last resort.
Edit (enhance/crop) your shots as needed. Use your letters and your favorite editing software (Google Drawing, Pixlr, Photoshop, Gimp, etc.) to create a digital project. Use some creativity and look at the examples above (more here). Use the Shooting Assignment Rubric to self evaluate your project. Add your project to this collaborative page and provide constructive feedback to one other person. Meet with me to discuss your finished work for credit.