Learning Goal
- Students will understand the importance of the exposure triangle
- Students will understand how the exposure triangle affects their final image
- Students will be able to use shutter speed to imply motion in their photos
Does your picture have correct EXPOSURE? Exposure is the amount of light that falls on your sensor or film.
Too much light and your picture will be overexposed, or washed out.
Too little light and your picture will be underexposed, or too dark.
Which one is worse, an overexposed photo or an underexposed photo?
There are three main factors that impact your exposure: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. These have been called the exposure triangle. We will talk about what these are and how to use them below. Later this year, we'll look at how to break some of these rules.
ISO Analogy - Good analogy about worker bees and ISO
ISO - Article with guidelines and examples
Aperture - Good article about aperture for beginners
Shutter Speed - Good article that covers the different areas of the exposure triangle
The image to the side is a good reference/overview of the exposure triangle. Remember, if you change one part of the triangle, it will impact the other parts as well.
Trick Your Camera - Article on controlling aperture and shutter speed with a point and shoot
In class, we'll look at an old camera to demonstrate these concepts.
- Steady your camera for slow shutter speeds
- Use a timer so you are not touching the camera for slow shutter speeds
- Use a slow shutter speed app or long exposure app
- Use multi-shot or continuous shooting for action shots
The Challenge - Shutter Speed 25 Pts
- Take at least 25 new/original SHUTTER SPEED pictures (shot both on school grounds and away from school)
- Transfer the pictures to your computer or Google Drive
- Choose your best three photos to edit and turn in
- Use and turn in the Self Assessment Rubric & Critique to self evaluate and reflect on your photos
- When you are finished, meet with me to discuss your project and get feedback
- Add one of your best shots to this collaborative page. Comment on one other person's picture.