Personal Finance
Junior Achievement is a national program focused on providing young people with entrepreneurial and financial programs that develop knowledge and skills for future economic success. We will be using their JA Personal Finance® Blended Model as part of our main curriculum throughout the semester.
- Username = firstname.lastname (case sensitive)
- Password = JApf20!
Banzai is a personal finance curriculum that allows you to apply the information we are learning in real-life simulations. We will use this tool throughout the semester and you will be graded on your progress. You will be given a code to set up an account in class.
The Challenge - Banzai Scenarios, Game, Reflection - 30 Pts
Here is what you need to complete once your Banzai account is set up.
STEP 1 - Complete all the Life Scenarios under the Banzi Teen course (10 pts).
STEP 2 - Complete the Play the Game simulation under the Banzi Teen course (10 pts).
STEP 3 - Final reflection (see below)
You will be graded on your completion percentage of the Life Scenarios (Teen) and Play the Game (Teen) simulation. Also, you will send me a two-paragraph reflection (10 pts) about the Banzai curriculum, what you learned, what you liked/disliked, and how you could apply the information later in life. Put your reflection in a Google Doc and send it to me on Google Classroom.
S1: Earnings, Employment, & Income
Collaboration We may use Socrative to answer questions during the lesson. Use the link to go to my room and enter BRAINERDA220.
NEFE HSFPP Module 3 Earning Power & Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) Career & College
The Next Gen Personal Finance curriculum is interactive and student-centered. We will be using their material during the semester and some of the content on this site is taken directly from their curriculum.
The High School Financial Planning Program (HSFPP) is another curriculum that we will use while talking about personal finance. We will be using the presentation below.
NEFE HSFPP-Presentation-All Module 3 & NGPF PearDeck Updated Spring 2018
INTERACTIVE: Can You Make it as an Uber Driver? - We'll look at this activity if time allows SKIP 2019
The Challenge - Payback Interactive
Complete the interactive game and questions from the link below to learn about managing student loans wisely. Send the completed document to me on Classroom when finished. We will overview the instructions and expectations (final results) together.
S2: Budgeting
Budgeting Apps Collaboration - Team up and find three to four budgeting apps. Why should we use them?
The Challenge- ROLEPLAY: Living Paycheck to Paycheck (#17) - 14 pts
So you think you're good at budgeting? Put your skills to the test with this cool activity from NGPF. Follow the directions on this document and complete the worksheet. Send me your completed worksheet on Classroom.
NEFE HSFPP Module 1 Money Management & NGPF Budgeting
We will be using the presentation from the HSFPP to learn the ins and outs of budgeting (view with PearDeck).
NEFE HSFPP Presentation Money Management & NGPF Budgeting Updated Spring 2018 UPDATE WITH MORE ACTIVITY
The Challenge- NGPF CREATE: A Monthly College Budget (#11)
Follow the directions on this link to create a budget for your college years. You will send me your completed spreadsheet/budget (25 pts .5 each) and the reflection questions from the link on the last slide (16 pts). We will look at an example of what the finished spreadsheet might look like. Your final budget should be between $30 and $100. We will do step one together. Send me your finished spreadsheet and reflection questions on Classroom. 41 pts (assessment category)
ADJUST SCORE?? 35 Pts answer any four questions & reflection??
CHANGE TO Alternate - Salary Based Budget
S3: Savings
NEFE HSFPP Module 4-1 Put Savings to Work & NGPF Savings
RESEARCH: Saving Strategies Web Quest (#10) - We will complete this activity if there is time. Find three sources for parts one and two. You can keep your responses short. Show me when you are finished.
The Challenge - EverFi Savings Module
DISTANCE LEARNING SPRING 2020 - Everfi Banking Basics
Create an EverFi account using the following link and code:
Fall 2019 Code:
We will look at an overview video and basic use. You will only complete the Savings Module. You will be graded on completing the module and the score you get on the end Savings Final Quiz (Assessment 10 pts). You can retake the quiz as many times as you want to improve your score.
S4: Credit and Debt
INTERACTIVE: Compounding Cat Insanity (#11) - Play the game to see how mismanaged debt can get away from you real fast. Review your results and discuss numbers three and seven with someone close by. Be ready to share.
NGPF Types of Credit
After we watch the video on the left about types of credit, name at least two things all four types of credit have in common (BROKEN LINK).
What are some major differences between credit & debit cards that are important to understand?
CALCULATE: How Credit Card Payments Work (#20) After we watch the video, discuss the questions and we will share out.
INTERACTIVE: What Interest Rates Are People Paying on Their Credit Cards? Analyze the interactive graph and discuss question four. We will share back out together.
RESEARCH: Credit Card Laws Web Quest Complete with a partner (7 min or less), be ready to share out.
The Challenge - INTERACTIVE: Shady Sam - 10 Pts
We've looked at credit cards as a form of credit, but what about loans? Follow the directions on this document and complete the questions to learn about what to consider before taking out your next loan. Show me when you are finished for credit.
Managing Credit Data Crunch #6: How Much Does Your Credit Score Impact Your Interest Rate? Complete this with a partner (5 min or less) and then we will share back out together.
INTERACTIVE: FICO Credit Scores (#3) Work with a partner (5 min or less) and do one example. We will share back with what you found.
The Challenge - INTERACTIVE: Credit Clash - 9 Pts
How well can you manage your credit score? Follow the directions on this document and complete the questions to battle for the best credit score. We will watch the overview video together as a group. In addition to the questions, add a screenshot with your final results/score to the document (1 pt). Show me when you are finished for credit.
NGPF Debt Management
7.7 Debt Management We will look at this one together
The Challenge - Credit & Debt Quest
Complete the quest below and show me when you are finished.
S5: Consumer Protection
Five Ways to Help Protect Your Identity
Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) Financial Pitfalls
The Next Gen Personal Finance curriculum is interactive and student-centered. We will be using their material during the semester and some of the content on this site is taken directly from their curriculum.
Identity Theft
What percent of minors (under 18 years of age) have had their identity stolen?
Have You Been Hacked? Use the linked document to find out and answer the first three questions. We'll talk about it together. UPDATE??
Discuss these questions with someone sitting next to you, then we'll share back together.
Look at the data crunch on this link and discuss the questions with someone next to you. We'll talk about these together.
We'll check out the video from this article about a woman that confronts her identity thieves. Was this a smart thing to do?
The types of identity theft and methods are growing. Work with one other person to complete this Forms of Identity Theft activity. We'll share back with the group.
How can we protect our identity online? We'll do some research using the info and links on this Google Doc. Check out the included resources or research others. Discuss the questions and be ready to share.
We'll watch the video from this link and talk about these questions.
What does EMV stand for?
How does a credit card chip provide protection against identity theft?
Why would people or businesses choose NOT to use credit card chips?
Scams, Fraud, & Protection
CHANGE TO DOC - NGPF Scams, Fraud, & Protection UD F21
Who loses more money to financial fraud? Millennials or senior citizens? Were you surprised by the actual answer? Why or why not?
What is the most effective contact method fraudsters use to steal your money? Let’s dig in deeper into one of the graphs from the previous report. Answer the questions on this worksheet to complete the Data Crunch. Focus on numbers four and five.
Check out common types of scams found on this link. Which do you feel would be most effective? Describe a scam or fraud that you have personally experienced, or that someone in your family was a victim of, or that you’ve heard about on the news. What were the consequences? I'll share about a co-worker in high school.
We'll look at this video about a Craigslist scam.
Look at this link on 7 Ways to Protect Yourself from Credit Card Fraud. Which tip is the best? Why? Discuss with someone close by. SKIP??
We'll check out this video about social engineering and how to detect fake emails. Which of these have you experienced? Do you worry about these types of scams?
Mobile banking using a phone or tablet can be a security risk because the device might be lost or stolen. We'll check out this links on 3 Tips to Make Mobile Banking More Secure (we'll also discuss public wifi). After you look at the article, talk with a neighbor about which mistakes you are currently making. Which ones will you try to fix?
How many of you currently use a password manager? We'll look at this link from a training on passwords and security.
You now have a strong password, but you still want to add more security. Enter two-factor authentication. We will watch this video on two-factor authorization and talk about the answers to these questions with a partner.
How does 2-factor authentication provide protection against identity theft?
Once the user has provided their password, what could be used as the second method of identity verification in 2FA?
As you saw in the previous resource, the most common contact method for fraud is by phone. Listen to 3:27-13:48 (short 3:27-9:40) of this Planet Money Podcast in which a real life phone scam (that tries to get people to work from home by selling products online) is broken down for us. Then, answer the questions.
What tactics did the salesman use to convince Doris to provide her financial information?
What can you learn from this particular scam to avoid getting into trouble?
Bonus question: Which of the 6 Ways of Influence (from Lesson 8.1) did the salesman use?
We've looked at how someone else might cause a financial pitfall, but what if the person responsible is you? We'll look at this INTERACTIVE: Win the Powerball! link. Try your hand at the simulator. As you play, think about the following questions. Talk about them with someone close by and we will share back together.
Did you win big? What was your largest prize amount? How do you feel about your lottery experience? How has this changed your perspective on playing the lottery and gambling in general?
The Challenge - Identity Theft Flowchart/Diagram 15 pts
Someone stole your identity, now what?
You may work with one other person. Use the links below (or others you find) to learn about strategies for recovering from identity theft. After you've gained enough knowledge, use Lucidchart, Google Drawing, Canva,, or another tool to create a flowchart or diagram that helps or gives advice to someone who's been a victim of identity theft. Include five or more strategies/steps in your flowchart/diagram. Meet with me to discuss your finished project for credit. Send me your final project on Classroom. Examples of a flowchart and diagram can be found below.
Guiding Questions (Assessment):
Did you include five non-plagiarised strategies for recovering from identity theft?
Did you create a visually appealing flowchart/diagram?
How well did you incorporate non-copyrighted media/visuals?
(Image from xkcd)
S6: Smart Shopping
Shop 'Till You Drop (Click on Programs --> JA Personal Finance 18 - 19 --> Session Six: Smart Shopping --> Interactive learning resource Shop 'til You Drop)
- Username = firstname.lastname (case sensitive)
- Password = JApf19!
NEFE HSFPP Lesson 1-3 Decisions & NGPF COMPARE: Car Insurance Comparison Shopping
We will continue to look at how we can improve our finances by becoming a savvy shopper. We'll start out by watching this video on how to be a smart consumer.
It is good to have a plan when making small or large purchases. We'll use this presentation to look at one decision-making method.
You're in the market for a new car. Use this link and the DECIDE method we covered to make the best choice. You can work with one other person. Add this to the collaborative page below. About 10 to 15 minutes for this step.
Is auto insurance required in the state of MN?
Congratulations, you now have a sweet new ride! Now you need to do some more shopping and choose the best insurance option. Use this auto insurance activity to practice comparison shopping. We will only complete parts one and two. You can work with one other person. (CHANGE AND BASE ON STUDENTS & CAR CHOICE??)
Add your vehicle decision process and auto insurance activity to this collaborative page. Make sure to include your names.
Use this document to learn how to use a decision matrix. Work with a partner to complete part one, shopping for a TV (or something else). CHANGE
Shopping Psychology
Businesses use psychology to get you to spend your hard-earned money. Being aware of their tricks will help you become a smarter shopper. As we watch the video, sketchnote (visual note taking) the main ideas and takeaways using one of the tools from the Sketchnoting & Drawing Tools section of this page.
Add your sketchnote to this collaborative page.
Comparison Shopping Apps (or Sites)
We've seen how comparison shopping can help our personal finances by maximizing how we use our resources. There are tools available to help make this easier. Groupon (fast growing article) is just one option of the many available.
The Challenge - Comparison Shopping App Review - 23 pts
You may work with one other person. You are working for a technology blog/website and your assignment is to review a comparison shopping app or site. This link will show you an example review of the Groupon app, which is also a website. You CAN'T USE Groupon. You will need to research the app/site you choose (and others), ideally using multiple sources. Make sure the reviews are in YOUR OWN WORDS.
Your review will have the following sections:
Price - Is it free, paid, or both? (1 pt)
Describe the features of the app/site (3 pts)
Where it Excels - What does it do well? (3 pts)
Where it Falls Short - How could it be improved? (3 pts)
The Competition - Make sure to include and describe at least two options or alternative apps/sites (4 pts)
You need to install and use the app or site you are reviewing to do some comparison shopping. Include screenshots (3 pts) of using the app in your review. Also, add a reflection (3 pts) on your feelings about comparison shopping apps/sites and if you will use them in the future. How well did you use visual/media (3 pts) in your review?
Use this template to make sure you include all items.
While sites like Google, Amazon, Newegg, Ebay, etc. are great resources to use for comparison shopping, that is not what they are meant for. Groupon and other similar apps/sites were designed to be comparison shopping (deal) tools. Make sure your review is on a designated comparison shopping app/site. Don't use Groupon for your review.
Send your finish review to me on Classroom.
S7: Risk Management
Risk Management Scenarios
- Get in groups of three to four
- Each group will get a scenario card
- Use one of these sites (or another) to draw out your scenario
- Add your drawing to this collaborative page with your name (1, 2, 4)
- Discuss with your group which strategy could be used to lower risk (avoidance, control & reduction, transfer, acceptance)
- Once everyone is ready, as a class, we will try to guess which scenario you drew and discuss the best strategy to lower risk
Use Socrative to answer questions during the lesson. Use the link to go to my room and enter BRAINERDA220.
Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) Insurance
NGPF Insurance as Vital Risk Management
NGPF MOVE: What Determines Your Insurance Premium?
Insurance CS: Fender Bender Frenzy! ??
We will use this activity packet to learn about insurance basics. Work with someone close by as we go through parts one through five together. We will watch the video below before looking at the information in number four. Time permitting, we may try part five (need an answer key). Everyone would have a factor card and move to an insurance location. We would cover the direction in part E and discuss reflection question five as a class when we are finished.
The Challenge - NGPF What Insurance Should I Buy? 15 Pts
We'll do a project in class where you choose your own insurance options and evaluate your choices when life starts throwing curveballs.
Team up with one other person. You will get a career and a monthly salary from this sheet (random distribution). You will complete parts two through five on this document (check for completion 15 pts). After everyone has finished, together we will go through scenarios (teacher support document) that will test your insurance choices in part six. You will also answer the reflection questions in part seven.
The Challenge - NGPF Student Activity Packet Insurance
CHANGE?? Now you will take a deeper dive into the ocean of insurance. Grab your snorkel and complete this linked document (check for completion 5 pts). You may work with one other person. The number of activities you will complete depends on how many people you work with. Show me your completed document when you finish.
S8: Investing
JA Personal Finance Post-Program Survey 18-19
Complete the JAPF post program survey.
Post-Program Survey (Click on Programs --> JA Personal Finance 17-18 --> Session Eight: Investing --> JA Personal Finance Post-Program Survey 17-18)
- Username = firstname.lastname (case sensitive)
- Password = JApf19!
Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) Intro to the Stock Market
ADD PLAY: Roll with the Market??
ADD ROLEPLAY: Sign up for an IRA??
Are you ready for Wall Street? We will use this student activity packet to get an overview of the stock market. As we go through the document together, work with a partner to complete certain parts. We will share out and discuss as we cover material.
The Challenge - ROLEPLAY: Think You Can Pick Stocks 10 pts
Use this document, ROLEPLAY: Think You Can Pick Stocks, to try your hand at the stock market. Complete the table and questions. Show me your completed document for credit.
Stock Market, Investing, Stocks, & Bonds
We will go through this presentation using Pear Deck. I will display instructions on how to access the presentation.
The Challenge - NGPF INTERACTIVE: Invest with STAX! (#30)
This fun game will test your ability to be a smart investor. We will play part of the game individually, through round ten to eleven (after all invetments are available), so you can get a feel for the game. After we've practiced, we will set up a game where you compete against the class (the winner may receive a reward). After we've finished playing the full game, take a screenshot of your game results. DON'T CLOSE YOUR TAB, you will need it to answer questions. Complete the questions on this document and show me for credit.
Stock Market Game
Disclaimer: While this lesson is meant to give you a basic exposure to the stock market and trading, know that a short simulation promotes risky investing and not best practices. Investors that use a buy and hold strategy tend to be more successful.
Team up with one other future broker (groups of two). Move to sit with your teammate.
Game Setup:
Private (A220)
Min stock/short price $5
Short selling & day trading
Commission $10 per trade
20% Position Limit (20% of money can be in one investment)
Use the registration info below to join Mr. Brainerd's stock market game. Make sure both group members know the username and password (DON'T use 'Connect with Google'). Use the password A220.
1. Forward the following link to them:
2. Register and Join: Ask them to Register to and once they log-in, they can go to Join Contests (Contests on the top --> Join Contests), and look up your contest: Mr. Brainerd's Stock Market Challenge Fall 2018 via the search bar. The password to get in my contest is A220.
Once everyone is registered, we will explore the site together and look at the following areas.
Strategies for Beginners
Education Center
Trading Ideas
Company Info (Quotes category)
The Challenge - Stock Market Game & Visual 30 pts
Use your investing knowledge (and luck) to create the best portfolio. The simulation/game does allow 'day trading' (buying and selling securities on the same day). You will only have a few days to actively trade. Active trading means you need to invest in at least eight stocks and spend 40K. You will be graded on your active participation (15 pts). Once trading is finished, you will create a visual (eg. presentation, spark video, etc.) that explains your strategy and performance. The visual should include:
Information about each company you bought/sold (brief)
Explanation of why you bought each company
Explanation of your investing strategy
Overview of portfolio performance throughout the simulation
Reflection on the simulation (eg. what would you have changed) and your future in investing (eg. do you see yourself investing in the future)
The visual (15) should be informative (enough detail) and visually engaging/attractive. Send the visual to me on Classroom.
The top-ranked team at the end of the simulation will receive a reward (eg. food/snacks/5 pts extra credit).
*Only applies to teams that met the active trading requirement