Learning Goal
- Students will be able to their photos to tell a real world story
Photo essays tell a story with pictures in ways that words can not fully express. Here are some links to just a few examples. Notice the brief captions describing each photo. These captions help explain your photos and tell the story. Also, are these snap shots or quality photos?
A photo essay will have similar elements as a paper essay. They will each have a topic/theme and supporting information. They both should have a clear order (intro, body, conclusion). They both tell a complete story.
The topic of your photo essay is up to you. It could be about friendship, a local or school event, a specific place, or a specific person. Maybe it's the story about an event (fire, party, etc.) or place (eg. coffee shop). This link might help you think of an idea. Also, look through the above examples for inspiration.
The Assignment
Use this rubric to complete your own photo essay.