Human Computer Interaction

Computer Parts

When learning about computer programming, it's important to understand the hardware we may be controlling. In class we'll talk about the different parts of a computer and their uses. We will use some old computers to explore the hardware first hand.

Guide - We'll look at the hardware basics and choosing parts sections

The Assignment

You will build a 'virtual' computer using the parts we covered in class (and others if you want). You can spend as much money as you want. Make sure the parts you choose are compatible. Create a document that includes the following:

- Name of the component

- What it’s used for

- Part price

- Link to part

- Why it was chosen

- Type of computer, eg. gaming high performance, media pc, ect.

- Include all parts from links we covered (processor, motherboard, case, RAM, hard drives, power supply, optional: graphics card & optical drive)

- Total computer price

Finding and choosing parts:



Search & Evaluate

Google Ninja

Evaluate sites

Think about this difference between ranked search engines and social bookmarking search engines. Where else do we find info (not search engines)?

Practice - Create your own scavenger hunt. Think of 10 items to track down online, then find the answers. (skipped 2016)

Communication & Privacy

Think of all the ways we have to communicate today?

Imagine life without some/all of the ways we communicate?

Communication Activity

Privacy Activity

Data Story

Here are our learning goals for this section:

- Explain how different views of data can tell a different story

- Realize that data is an incomplete record of reality

- Describe what can and can't be captured in data

Where does data come from?

Room Activity

What does the data tell you about the person? What does it not tell you?

What are the items related to?

room activity

List of Items

Data Story - Use the words from your number (assigned in class) to tell a story about that person. It should be three sentences or longer.

Communication Methods Chart 1

Communication Methods Chart 2

How CIA Director - How you might be giving out data without realizing it




Why are following instructions import for computer programming?

Write a program to make a peanut butter & jelly sandwich.

How can we overcome interpretation?



We will do an activity in class using these videos. This will help show the detail that needs to be used when programming.


What is intelligence?

Are computers intelligent? Why or why not? Do they behave intelligently?

Can computers learn?

What about IBM's Watson?

Who was Alan Turing?

If you look up who created the computer, Mr. Turing's name would show up there with a few others. This link gives a timeline of his life and accomplishments.

The Turing Test

Computer Intelligence - We will do these activities in class





We will watch this video on singularity and discuss your thoughts on the future.