
Gmail Calendar Drive/Docs LibreOffice

One email to rule them all ...

Lost of storage - 25 GB of storage means you won't have to worry about deleting emails or saving them offline

Organization and Retrieval - Use labels and Google-powered search to find messages quickly and stay organized

iPad App

Android App


Gmail Tour - Get familiar with Gmail's interface

- Access other Gmail features, labels, messages (conversation view, priority inbox, mail archive), settings, search (filters)

Getting Started:

Set Up Your Signature, Labels, and Filters

- Adding labels vs moving messages

- Gmail Activity 1 - Add a Signature, Create Labels, and Create Filters

Sending, Replying, and Attaching

- Message tools and options

- Gmail Activity 2 - Send a Message With an Attachment

Creating Contact Groups/Mailing Lists - Create your own groups for PLC's, committees, classes, or teams

Outlook vs Gmail - Document that shows how to find and use comparable Microsoft Office features in Gmail

Importing Microsoft Outlook Data:

- Google Apps Migration for Outlook - A tool that can be used to import old data

Tips & Tricks:

Learn to Use Priority Inbox

Clean Your Inbox by Archiving

Learn More About Filters

Conversations vs Messages

Muting a Conversation

Know What You're Replying to

Drag and Drop Attachments (With Google Chrome)

Do More With Google Labs

Gmail Videos:

Transitioning to Gmail from Outlook

Gmail's New Compose

Drag and Drop Labels

Gmail Search

More Help:

Gmail Help Center - Gmail's help and support page

Google Apps Document and Support - Where I stole most of the above resources