Schoology Resources & In-Service Half Day Training Resources

Workshop Schoology Training

K-2 Schoology Plan

3-6 Schoology Plan

7-12 Schoology Plan

Sharing and Collecting Google Drive Files

September In-Service Half Day Training Resources

Lesson Planning in Schoology - Add lesson materials, events, assignments, assessments, and other resources.

Schoology Overview

Shared Resource Page

K-6 iPad Apps

Exit Ticket Survey

October In-Service Half Day Training Resources

Lesson Planning in Schoology - Add lesson materials, events, assignments, assessments, and other resources.

Google Slides - Presentation strategies, finding media, Google Slides how to, practice, and collaboration.

Prezi - Presentation strategies, finding media, Prezi how to, practice, and collaboration.

Collaboration Strategies - Websites and apps to promote student collaboration.

Intermediate Apps and Websites - Apps and web-based applications for intermediate and high school students.

Exit Ticket Survey

December In-Service Half Day Training Resources

Google Slides - Presentation strategies, finding media, Google Slideshow to, practice, and collaboration.

Google Docs & More

K-3 Tech Tools - Seesaw, Chatterpix Kids, Shadow Puppet Edu, and Pic Collage

Exit Ticket Survey

February In-Service Half Day Training Resources

PlayPosIt - in Schoology - Customize videos to allow for "stops" in the videos for comprehension questions.

Importing ExamView Tests into Schoology

Utilizing Assessments in Schoology - The directions to create and administer a test.

Remind 101 - Send texts to your parents and students anonymously with Remind 101.

Creating a Schoology Portfolio - Compile work to share with others

Crosby-Ironton Technology Acceptable Use and Device Policy - We'll review and discuss this working draft.

Chrometastic Race - Begin the challenge!!

March In-Service Half Day Training Resources

PowerTeacher Pro Basics and Sandbox Access - Slideshow of basic functionality of PowerTeacher Pro & utilize a demo server

Scanning, Schoology, & Chromebook Fun - Training on how to add any document to Schoology and how students can access and edit those documents on Chromebooks.